Friday, January 23, 2015


I've struggled with how honest I want to be in this blog. Besides the beauty and fashion posts, most of what I share is very personal and I would probably be too embarrassed to tell any one in person! But I want to continue the mindset that each of us has a unique story and testimony to share. I think it would be selfish of me to keep my story all to myself and never use it to help or relate to others...

So with that being said...I'm going to dive in deep and share with you all. Last week was pretty rough. Even on my really bad days I always have hope that some day, some doctor will be able to help me. They will figure out whats wrong with me and why my body rejects everything good. And I'll finally be happy. But then I had this thought of "what if no body can fix me". I had never thought of that before...But what if I will always be this way? What if ten years from now I'm still plagued with anxiety and depression? What if I still can't do normal tasks like take a shower or clean my room?

I don't really have an uplifting note to end on. I'm just trying to be honest... Asking the Lord to revive my hope and trust in Him. And choosing not to be ashamed of my story- it may inspire.


  1. Have you looked into therapy? Anxiety and depression run in our family, I myself have 2 full blown panic disorders, agoraphobia being one of them. Therapy and medication can be really helpful. Ive had some amazing psychiatrists over the years who have helped, and Im just now starting to take medication to treat my bipolar disorder and panic disorders. Meditation has also helped my anxiety tremendously, especially when Im having panic attacks.

  2. Therapy wouldn't be a bad idea, and I know we have talked about he possibility of medication too. I will keep praying for the best direction! And honesty is good. <3

  3. Therapy wouldn't be a bad idea, and I know we have talked about he possibility of medication too. I will keep praying for the best direction! And honesty is good. <3

  4. I would seriously look into it, a psychiatrist is much better at honing in on mental illnesses than a regular Dr. would be. They will be able to help you with your depression and anxiety and get you on the track towards leading a normal fulfilling life. They can help you find a therapist who will work with you on a regular basis, which is just as important as taking medicine. Its like what you said in your other post, you wouldnt question someone who needed medication for cancer, diabetes, heart conditions, etc. So none of us need to feel bad or ashamed that we also need medicine and therapy to help our illnesses. Also if you ever wanna talk, you can totally send me a message, anytime. :)
